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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Software Design and Architecture

                    Software Design and Architecture

                            What Is Design?

• Requirements specification was about the WHAT
the system will do
• Design is about the HOW the system will perform
its functions
– provides the overall decomposition of the system
– allows to split the work among a team of developers
– also lays down the groundwork for achieving nonfunctional
requirements (performance, maintainability,
reusability, etc.)
– takes target technology into account (e.g., kind of middleware, database design, etc.)

Characteristics of a Good Software Design
Correctness: A good design should correctly implement all the functionalities identified in the SRS document.

Understandability: A good design is easily understandable.

Efficiency: It should be efficient.

Maintainability: It should be easily amenable to change.

1.2. Current Design Approaches
Most researchers and engineers agree that a good software design implies clean decomposition of the problem into modules, and the neat arrangement of these modules in a hierarchy. The primary characteristics of neat module decomposition are high cohesion and low coupling.

1.2.1. Cohesion
Cohesion is a measure of functional strength of a module. A module having high cohesion and low coupling is said to be functionally independent of other modules. By the term functional independence, we mean that a cohesive module performs a single task or function. The different classes of cohesion that a module may possess  

Coincidental cohesion: A module is said to have coincidental cohesion, if it performs a set of tasks that relate to each other very loosely, if at all. In this case, the module contains a random collection of functions. It is likely that the functions have been put in the module out of pure coincidence without any thought or design.
Logical cohesion: A module is said to be logically cohesive, if all elements of the module perform similar operations, e.g. error handling, data input, data output, etc. An example of logical cohesion is the case where a set of print functions generating different output reports are arranged into a single module.
Temporal cohesion: When a module contains functions that are related by the fact that all the functions must be executed in the same time span, the module is said to exhibit temporal cohesion. The set of functions responsible for initialization, start-up, shutdown of some process, etc. exhibit temporal cohesion

Procedural cohesion: A module is said to possess procedural cohesion, if the set of functions of the module are all part of a procedure (algorithm) in which a certain sequence of steps have to be carried out for achieving an objective, e.g. the algorithm for decoding a message.
Communicational cohesion: A module is said to have communicational cohesion, if all functions of the module refer to or update the same data structure, e.g. the set of functions defined on an array or a stack.
Sequential cohesion: A module is said to possess sequential cohesion, if the elements of a module form the parts of sequence, where the output from one element of the sequence is input to the next.
Functional cohesion: Functional cohesion is said to exist, if different elements of a module cooperate to achieve a single function. For example, a module containing all the functions required to manage employees’ pay-roll displays functional cohesion. Suppose a module displays functional cohesion, and we are asked to describe what the module does, then we would be able to describe it using a single sentence.

1.2.2. Coupling
Coupling between two modules is a measure of the degree of interdependence or interaction between the two modules. A module having high cohesion and low coupling is said to be functionally independent of other modules. If two modules interchange large amounts of data, then they are highly interdependent. The degree of coupling between two modules depends on their interface complexity. The interface complexity is basically determined by the number of types of parameters that are interchanged while invoking the functions of the module. Even if no techniques to precisely and quantitatively estimate the coupling between two modules exist today, classification of the different types of coupling will help to quantitatively estimate the degree of coupling between two modules. Five types of coupling can occur between any two modules as shown in fig. 36.2.

Stamp Coupling: Two modules are stamped coupled, if they communicate using a composite data item such as a record in PASCAL or a structure in C.
Control coupling: Control coupling exists between two couples, if data from one module is used to direct the order of instructions execution in another. An example of control coupling is a flag set in one module and tested in another module.
Common coupling: Two modules are common coupled, if they share some global data items.
Content coupling: Content coupling exists between two modules, if their code is shared, e.g. a branch from one module into another module. High Low Date Stamp Control Common Content Fig. 36.2 Classification of coupling

Levels of Design
Architectural design (also: high-level design)
– architecture - the overall structure: main modules and their
– design that covers the main use-cases of the system
– addresses the main non-functional requirements (e.g., throughput,
– hard to change

• Detailed design (also: low-level design)
– the inner structure of the main modules
– may take the target programming language into account
– detailed enough to be implemented in the programming language
List of Design Goals
• Modifiability
• Maintainability
• Understandability
• Adaptability
• Reusability
• Efficiency
• Portability
• Traceability of requirements
• Fault tolerance
• Backward-compatibility
• Cost-effectiveness
• Robustness
• High-performance
Good documentation
• Well-defined interfaces
• User-friendliness
• Reuse of components
• Rapid development
• Minimum # of errors
• Readability
• Ease of learning
• Ease of remembering
• Ease of use
• Increased productivity
• Low-cost
• Flexibility

Software testing is a process of verifying and validating that a software application or program
1. Meets the business and technical requirements that guided its design and development, and
2. Works as expected.

Software testing has three main purposes:
verification, validation, and defect finding.
The verification process confirms that the software meets its technical specifications. A “specification” is a description of a function in terms of a measurable output value given a specific input value under specific preconditions. A simple specification may be along the line of “a SQL query retrieving data for a single account against the multi-month account-summary table must return these eight fields <list> ordered by month within 3 seconds of submission.”
The validation process confirms that the software meets the business requirements. A simple example of a business requirement is “After choosing a branch office name, information about the branch’s customer account managers will appear in a new window. The window will present manager identification and summary information about each manager’s customer base: <list of data elements>.” Other requirements provide details on how the data will be summarized, formatted and displayed.
A defect is a variance between the expected and actual result. The defect’s ultimate source may be traced to a fault introduced in the specification, design, or development (coding) phases.

Testing Objectives:

1. Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error.
2. A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding an as-yet          undiscovered error.
3. A successful test is one that uncovers an as-yet-undiscovered error.

Testing Principles
Before applying methods to design effective test cases, a software engineer must
understand the basic principles that guide software testing.

All tests should be traceable to customer requirements. As we have
seen, the objective of software testing is to uncover errors. It follows that the most severe defects (from the customer’s point of view) are those that cause the program to fail to meet its requirements.

Tests should be planned long before testing begins. Test planning
can begin as soon as the requirements model is complete.

 The Pareto principle applies to software testing. Stated simply, the
Pareto principle implies that 80 percent of all errors uncovered during testing will likely be traceable to 20 percent of all program components. The problem,of course, is to isolate these suspect components and to thoroughly test them.

Testing should begin “in the small” and progress toward testing “in the large.” The first tests planned and executed generally focus on individual components. As testing progresses, focus shifts in an attempt to find errors in integrated clusters of components and ultimately in the entire system

Exhaustive testing is not possible. The number of path permutations for even a moderately sized program is exceptionally large further .For this reason, it is impossible to execute every combination
of paths during testing. It is possible, however, to adequately cover
program logic and to ensure that all conditions in the component-level
design have been exercised.

To be most effective, testing should be conducted by an independent third party. By most effective, we mean testing that has the highest probability of finding errors (the primary objective of testing).  the software engineer who created the system is not the best
person to conduct all tests for the software.


Basis path testing is a white-box testing technique first proposed by Tom McCabe. The basis path method enables the test case designer to derive a logical complexity measure of a procedural design and use this measure as a guide for defining a basis set of execution paths.

 Test cases derived to exercise the basis set are guaranteed
to execute every statement in the program at least one time during testing.

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic complexity is a software metric that provides a quantitative measure of the logical complexity of a program. When used in the context of the basis path testing method, the value computed for cyclomatic complexity defines the number of independent paths in the basis set of a program and provides us with an upper bound for
the number of tests that must be conducted to ensure that all statements have been executed at least once.

An independent path is any path through the program that introduces at least one new set of processing statements or a new condition.


Black-box testing, also called behavioral testing, focuses on the functional requirements of the software. That is, black-box testing enables the software engineer to derive sets of input conditions that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a program.
Black-box testing is not an alternative to white-box techniques. Rather,
it is a complementary approach that is likely to uncover a different class of errors
than white-box methods.

Black-box testing attempts to find errors in the following categories:
(1) incorrect or missing functions,
 (2) interface errors,
(3) errors in data structures or external data
base access,
 (4) behavior or performance errors, and
 (5) initialization and terminationerrors.

Unlike white-box testing, which is performed early in the testing process, blackbox
testing tends to be applied during later stages of testing (see Chapter 18). Because
black-box testing purposely disregards control structure, attention is focused on the
information domain. Tests are designed to answer the following questions:
White-Box Testing

White-box testing is a verification technique software engineers can use to examine if their
code works as expected.:

a method for writing a set of white-box test cases that exercise the paths in the code

the use of equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis to manage the number of
test cases that need to be written and to examine error-prone/extreme “corner” test cases

how to measure how thoroughly the test cases exercise the code

White-box testing is testing that takes into account the internal mechanism of a system orcomponent .

White-box testing is also known as structural testing, clear box
testing, and glass box testing .

The connotations of “clear box” and “glassbox” appropriately indicate that you have full visibility of the internal workings of the
software product, specifically, the logic and the structure of the code.

Using the white-box testing techniques , a software engineer can
design test cases that
(1) exercise independent paths within a module or unit;
 (2) exercise
logical decisions on both their true and false side;
(3) execute loops at their boundaries and
within their operational bounds; and
(4) exercise internal data structures to ensure their validity

There are six basic types of testing: unit, integration, function/system, acceptance, regression,
and beta. White-box testing is used for three of these six types

Unit testing, which is testing of individual hardware or software units or groups of
related units

Integration testing, which is testing in which software components, hardware
components, or both are combined and tested to evaluate the interaction between them

Regression testing, which is selective retesting of a system or component to verify that
modifications have not caused unintended effects and that the system or component still
complies with its specified requirements


Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software design—the
software component or module.

Using the component-level design description as a guide, important control paths are tested to uncover errors within the boundary of the module. The relative complexity of tests and uncovered errors is limited by the
constrained scope established for unit testing.

The unit test is white-box oriented,and the step can be conducted in parallel for multiple components.

Unit Test Considerations

The tests that occur as part of unit tests are illustrated schematically in Figure 18.4.
The module interface is tested to ensure that information properly flows into and out of the program unit under test. The local data structure is examined to ensure that data stored temporarily maintains its integrity during all steps in an algorithm's execution.
Boundary conditions are tested to ensure that the module operates properly
at boundaries established to limit or restrict processing. All independent paths (basis paths) through the control structure are exercised to ensure that all statements in a module have been executed at least once. And finally, all error handling paths are

Integration testing

Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure
while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with interfacing.
The objective is to take unit tested components and build a program structure
that has been dictated by design.

Top-down Integration

Top-down integration testing is an incremental approach to construction of program structure. Modules are integrated by moving downward through the control hierarchy, beginning with the main control module (main program). Modules subordinate (and ultimately subordinate) to the main control module are incorporated into the structure in either a depth-first or breadth-first manner.

Bottom-up Integration

Bottom-up integration testing, as its name implies, begins construction and testing
with atomic modules (i.e., components at the lowest levels in the program structure).
Because components are integrated from the bottom up, processing required for components subordinate to a given level is always available and the need for stubs is eliminated.

A bottom-up integration strategy may be implemented with the following steps:

1. Low-level components are combined into clusters (sometimes called builds)
that perform a specific software subfunction.

2. A driver (a control program for testing) is written to coordinate test case
input and output.

3. The cluster is tested.

4. Drivers are removed and clusters are combined moving upward in the program

Regression Testing

Each time a new module is added as part of integration testing, the software changes.
New data flow paths are established, new I/O may occur, and new control logic is
invoked. These changes may cause problems with functions that previously worked flawlessly. In the context of an integration test strategy, regression testing is the re execution of some subset of tests that have already been conducted to ensure that changes have not propagated unintended side effects
Regression testing is the activity that helps to ensure that changes (due
to testing or for other reasons) do not introduce unintended behavior or additional
Regression testing may be conducted manually, by re-executing a subset of all test
cases or using automated capture/playback tools. Capture/playback tools enable the software engineer to capture test cases and results for subsequent playback and comparison.

Smoke Testing

Smoke testing is an integration testing approach that is commonly used when “shrinkwrapped” software products are being developed. It is designed as a pacing mechanism for time-critical projects, allowing the software team to assess its project on a frequent basis. In essence, the smoke testing approach encompasses the following activities:

1. Software components that have been translated into code are integrated into
a “build.” A build includes all data files, libraries, reusable modules, and engineered
components that are required to implement one or more product

2. A series of tests is designed to expose errors that will keep the build from
properly performing its function. The intent should be to uncover “show stopper”
errors that have the highest likelihood of throwing the software project
behind schedule.

3. The build is integrated with other builds and the entire product (in its current
form) is smoke tested daily. The integration approach may be top down or
bottom up.

Alpha and Beta Testing

It is virtually impossible for a software developer to foresee how the customer will
really use a program.
 Instructions for use may be misinterpreted;
1. strange combinations of data may be regularly used;
2.output that seemed clear to the tester may be unintelligible to a user in the field.

When custom software is built for one customer, a series of acceptance tests are
conducted to enable the customer to validate all requirements. Conducted by the end user rather than software engineers, an acceptance test can range from an informal  "test drive" to a planned and systematically executed series of tests.

In fact, acceptance testing can be conducted over a period of weeks or months, thereby uncovering cumulative errors that might degrade the system over time.
If software is developed as a product to be used by many customers, it is impractical
to perform formal acceptance tests with each one.

Most software product builders use a process called alpha and beta testing to uncover errors that only the end-userseems able to find.

The alpha test is conducted at the developer's site by a customer. The software is
used in a natural setting with the developer "looking over the shoulder" of the user
and recording errors and usage problems. Alpha tests are conducted in a controlled

The beta test is conducted at one or more customer sites by the end-user of the
software. Unlike alpha testing, the developer is generally not present. Therefore, the beta test is a "live" application of the software in an environment that cannot be controlled by the developer. The customer records all problems (real or imagined) that are encountered during beta testing and reports these to the developer at regular intervals. As a result of problems reported during beta tests, software engineers make modifications and then prepare for release of the software product to the entire customer base.

The test plan is a mandatory document. You can’t test without one. For simple, straight-forward projects the plan doesn’t have to be elaborate but it must address certain items. As identified by the “American National Standards Institute and Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers Standard 829/1983 for Software Test Documentation”, the following components should be covered in a software test plan

Test case/data
A set of test inputs, execution conditions, and expected results developed for a particular
objective, such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a
specific requirement.
A test case is a pair consisting of test data to be input to the program and the expected
output. The test data is a set of values, one for each input variable.
A test set is a collection of zero or more test cases.
A test case in software engineering is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester
will determine whether an application or software system is working correctly or not. The
mechanism for determining whether a software program or system has passed or failed
such a test is known as a test oracle. In some settings, an oracle could be a requirement or
use case, while in others it could be a heuristic. It may take many test cases to determine
that a software program or system is functioning correctly. Test cases are often referred
to as test scripts, particularly when written. Written test cases are usually collected into
test suites.

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