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Monday, December 15, 2014

PHP HyperTextPreprocessor Tutorial Point Learn PHP Easily ( Part 1 )

 HyperText Preprocessor 

It is Previously called   personal home page.
For working with php there are some softwares
For Linux OS Users LAMP (Linux Apache My Sql PHP)
FOR Windows OS  Uers WAMP (Windows Apache My Sql PHP)
And for all OS  Common one  is XAMPP
(Extensible Apache MySql PHP Perl )
For Working In Any Type Of OS there are few steps before actual php.
Step 1.      Install XAMPP
Step 2.      Install Dreamweaver
In Dreamweaver click on file ->new->Dynamic page->PHP.
You Save your files in XAMPP ->htdocs->your File name .php
XAMPP ->htdocs->Your Folder (If you create )->your File name .php
And open your code on browser by

php  is loosely coupled language or we say that language +Technology.
Under the  HTML  our code of php  is running in the tags of  <body> .

<!DOCTYPE html ">
<title> </title>
(Code of php)
Let we starts from a simple Example:-
<!DOCTYPE html ">
<title> </title>
echo “Good Morning”;//echo is for print
Our out put on the Browser  is:-  Good Morning
Operators are of Three Types
 (contains of increment ++,decrement--,uniary+,uniary-)
(1.airthmatic +,-,*,/,%
2. relational <,>.<=,>=,==,===,!=
3.assignment =)
(logical &&)
Let See Some Solved Examples :-
Q1. Enter Two Values And print Substration, Multiplication& devision of two values?
Solution Code:-
echo "substraction is=".$s;
echo "multiplication is=".$m;
echo "division  is=".$d;
Q2.Enter Radius of circle & print area of circle?
Solution code:-
$a=your radius ;
 echo"area of circle is".$c;
Q3.Enter five marks of students and print percentage sheet of student?
<title> </title>
echo"percentage of students is =".$P;
Q4.Enter any value and print square and cube of value?
<title> </title>
echo"square is =".$sq."<br>";
echo"square is =".$cu;
Q5.Enter Two values & findout smallest value using ternary operator?
<title> </title>
echo"greatest num is =".$comp;
Q6.Enter any number and find out no. is positive or negative using conditional operation?
echo" num is ".con;
Q7.Enter Any digit & find out digit is single or more than single digit using conditional operations?
<title> </title>
$con=($a/10=0?"single":"not single ");
echo" num is ".$con;
Q8.Enter Any year and find out year is leap year or not leap year?
<title> </title>
$year=($a%4==0?"leap year":"non leap year");
echo"year is=".$year;


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